Frequently asked questions.

Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most.

General Information

Q: What is the Kuwait Shakespeare Society?

A: The Kuwait Shakespeare Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and enjoyment of Shakespeare's works in Kuwait.

Q: How can I become a member?

A: Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Shakespeare. Visit our Membership page for details on how to join.

Q: Do I have to be an expert on Shakespeare to join?

A: Absolutely not! Our society is open to Shakespeare enthusiasts of all levels, from novices to scholars.


Events and Programs

Q: What kind of events do you organize?

A: We host a variety of events including readings, performances, educational workshops, and social gatherings. Check out our Events page for upcoming activities.

Q: Can non-members attend events?

A: Most of our events are open to the public, but some may be members-only. Event listings will specify if membership is required.


Governance and Roles

Q: Who leads the Kuwait Shakespeare Society?

A: Our society is led by a Board of Directors. Visit our Board Members page to meet our leadership team.

Q: How can I get involved in a leadership role?

A: Leadership roles are to be filled through elections at our Annual General Meeting. More details TBD.


Educational Programs

Q: Do you offer educational programs for schools?

A: Yes, we seek to collaborate with schools to bring Shakespeare to students in a fun and interactive way. If you're an educator interested in partnering with us, please contact us here.


Supporting the Society

Q: How can I support the society?

A: There are many ways to support us, including becoming a member and volunteering. Please contact us for more information.



Q: How can I get in touch?

A: For general inquiries, you can send us a message here.